Life is full of changes, and these changes can sometimes render your current child custody arrangements unfit for your current situation. California courts recognize that adjustments to custody orders may become necessary as children grow and family situations evolve....
Child Custody
Ex takes your child on a secret trip? Know your legal options
The holiday season is a time for family, celebration, and, often, heightened custody disputes. If you are a divorced parent, the idea of your ex taking your child on a secret trip, disregarding pre-existing custody agreements, can be a jarring thought. This situation...
It is best to avoid badmouthing your ex in front of your child
After a divorce, it is natural to feel frustrated with your former partner. Still, speaking negatively about them in front of your child can have serious consequences. This behavior, known as parental alienation, can hurt your child's emotional health and might even...
Top ways to defend against a custody modification request
When your child’s other parent files a motion to modify custody or visitation, it can feel like a punch to the gut. You might feel hurt because the other parent didn’t come to you first to try to resolve the matter informally, but your pain is probably stemming from...
Can we modify our child support order if I lose my job?
For California parents paying child support, job loss can have a compounding effect. What you may not realize is that if you fall behind on child support, the consequences only escalate. This is why understanding the process of modifying child support orders in such...
How to prove parental alienation to bring it to a stop
Parental alienation occurs when one parent manipulates their child with the intent of driving a wedge between the child and their other parent. This alienation can occur in several ways, including by lying to the child about the other parent, sharing intimate details...
How exposure to domestic violence impacts children
Domestic violence is more common than many people realize, with some studies showing that about 25% of women and nearly 10% of men are subjected to it. Making matter worse is that children are oftentimes present when this violence occurs, which can have an extensive...
How is child support determined in California?
If you are getting a divorce, one parent may serve as primary custodial parent of the child and will be responsible for taking care of the child a majority of the time, while the other parent serves as non-custodial parent and is granted parenting time. In such cases,...
Understanding the reasons for supervised visitation
When a couple separates and they have a child in common, it may be difficult for them to work through child custody issues. In some situations, it is necessary for the parent without custody to have supervised visitation with the child. Supervised visitation may be...
How do I enforce a child support order in California?
If you are divorced or separated from your ex and you have children, one of the first issues that needs to be addressed is the issue of child support. Generally, if one parent is named primary custodian of the child and is responsible for the day-to-day care of the...