Raising a child can be a lot of work, and it certainly is not cheap. Thus, when parents are not longer together, it is likely that one parent may require financial assistance from the other, especially when one parent has the child or children most of the time. This...
Month: March 2021
The timing of a divorce filing is important
When a couple is ready to move forward with the legal process of ending their marriage, they may decide to proceed immediately or delay filing for a specific reason. There are certain times of year that may be better for a divorce filing, and putting it off could cost...
Fair property division in a high-asset divorce
Two of the most complex and potentially contentious aspects of a divorce involve money and assets. Finances are often a source of disputes between parties, and the property division process can be particularly complex for couples with a lot of money at stake. When a...
Dividing debt during a divorce in California
Most couples who are preparing for divorce know that they will need to divide their property, but they may not realize that they will also need to divide their debt. While the final division of debt will depend on the couple’s specific circumstances, there is helpful...
Filing for you divorce when you (or your ex) lives outside of California
When your marriage was going well, you and your spouse lived together in Manhattan Beach. Then your relationship started falling apart, and one of you moved into a new house -- in another state. Now that you are ready for divorce, the fact that you and your...
What details will be in a divorce decree?
The end of a marriage marks significant financial changes in a spouse’s life. Divorce is a complex legal process that involves equitably dividing marital assets and debt, and the terms of the final order will have implications that could last a lifetime. It’s critical...
Don’t forget about these assets when getting a divorce
California is a community property state, meaning any assets acquired during a marriage are subject to division when a couple chooses to end their relationship. The problem is that some people fail to list certain assets as shared property before negotiations being,...
Know how to prepare for divorce settlement negotiations
Do you want to get your divorce over as quickly as possible? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people just want to get past this chapter of their life so that they can focus on the future ahead. But rushing through your divorce can leave you vulnerable to exploitation...