Losing your job can get your finances into chaos, especially if you're paying child support. In California, the law recognizes that financial circumstances can change. You might wonder if temporary unemployment could lead to a temporary change in your child support...
Family Law
Ex takes your child on a secret trip? Know your legal options
The holiday season is a time for family, celebration, and, often, heightened custody disputes. If you are a divorced parent, the idea of your ex taking your child on a secret trip, disregarding pre-existing custody agreements, can be a jarring thought. This situation...
It is best to avoid badmouthing your ex in front of your child
After a divorce, it is natural to feel frustrated with your former partner. Still, speaking negatively about them in front of your child can have serious consequences. This behavior, known as parental alienation, can hurt your child's emotional health and might even...
Understanding the basics behind child support laws and guidelines
Our readers in California probably know that the legal term “child support” refers to the amount of money that one parent pays to the other. But, even with this basic definition, child support can be a complicated legal issue for parents, regardless of whether those...
Modifying an order for child support
Many Californians who have survived the divorce process view the judge’s signature on the final order as the last step in a very painful journey. However, people’s lives often veer in unexpected directions, and the issue of post-divorce child support is no exception....
To separate or to divorce?
No marriage is perfect. Each relationship has its ups and downs. For some, it is relatively easy to resolve their differences; however, for others, it can feel like a never-ending battle. And if disputes continue to bring the relationship down, discussions of divorce...
Why is the divorce rate for older Americans rising?
Any given divorce case in California while be very fact-specific in terms of how the case proceeds and, ultimately, how it is decided. No two cases are the same. However, the same legal issues are present in many divorce cases: child custody, child support, alimony...
Top ways to defend against a motion to modify custody
With a moment’s notice, you can suddenly find yourself facing the prospect of a child custody modification. This motion, filed by your child’s other parent, can threaten your child’s stability and your time and relationship with your kid. In other words, there’s a lot...
You’ve been served with a divorce petition. Now what?
Being served with divorce papers can feel like a punch to the gut. It can leave your life feeling like it’s spinning out of control, and your financial future can hang in the balance. All of that stress can leave you feeling overwhelmed, but you can get through this...
How exposure to domestic violence impacts children
Domestic violence is more common than many people realize, with some studies showing that about 25% of women and nearly 10% of men are subjected to it. Making matter worse is that children are oftentimes present when this violence occurs, which can have an extensive...