Divorce can bring unexpected challenges, especially with finances. Insurance policies often raise questions during divorce. Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATROs) help protect assets, but they can confuse everyone with a stake in the insurance benefits. Can...
Year: 2024
Ex takes your child on a secret trip? Know your legal options
The holiday season is a time for family, celebration, and, often, heightened custody disputes. If you are a divorced parent, the idea of your ex taking your child on a secret trip, disregarding pre-existing custody agreements, can be a jarring thought. This situation...
How to cope with the emotional impact of divorce later in life
In recent years, the number of Americans over 50 choosing to divorce has increased noticeably. This trend, often called "gray divorce," reflects changing societal norms and longer life expectancies. Many individuals reevaluate their relationships and personal...
Can you modify Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATROs)?
Yes, but only under certain circumstances. California courts impose Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATROs) when either party files for divorce or legal separation as part of standard procedure. These orders maintain the status quo and prevent either party from...
Who gets custody of pets during divorce?
Getting a divorce won't just impact your marital relationship or your relationship with your child. It can also greatly affect your relationship with pets, who, for some owners, are treated like their own children. So, what happens to a pet when a married couple gets...
5 ways social media can impact divorce proceedings
In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in our daily lives. While it connects us with friends and family, it can also affect personal matters, including divorce proceedings. 1. A goldmine of evidence Always think before you post. Some legal...
It is best to avoid badmouthing your ex in front of your child
After a divorce, it is natural to feel frustrated with your former partner. Still, speaking negatively about them in front of your child can have serious consequences. This behavior, known as parental alienation, can hurt your child's emotional health and might even...
Divorcing a toxic spouse? Prepare yourself for conflict with these tips
A spouse who displays toxic or unstable behavior can intensify the difficulties and emotional struggles of a divorce. More challenges may arise during the process if your partner struggles with untreated mental illness or uses manipulative tactics. California family...
4 ways divorce can affect your mental health
Divorce is undeniably one of life’s most challenging experiences. It marks the end of a significant relationship and brings about a whirlwind of emotions and changes. Going through this tough time can take a toll on your mental health, here's how: 1. Emotional...
Dividing money and property in a divorce
Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences, both emotionally and financially. As you begin the process, understanding how to divide your money becomes crucial. In California, community property laws dictate that marital assets are divided equally. So, what...